Mirko Pastorelli Wheelchair Sommelier

About Mirko

Mirko Pastorelli is an italian wheelchair Sommelier and member of ASPI (Italian Sommelier Association).

In 2019 in New York, he received the Donald and Karen Larocca Appreciation Award from the Wheeling Forward association, for his hard work and dedication in leading the change for the hiring of people with disabilities in Italy.

In 2020 he was nominated as inspirational wine person of the year by the Financial Review.

He is co-author of the book on pairings between cigars and drinks in Italian language “Bacco e tabacco, l’arte di abbinare i sigari”.

He was a member of the diversity committee of ASI – Association de la Sommellerie Internationale.

Mirko currently holds the role of beverage consultant in Emilia-Romagna, Italy and he often travels between the five continents in search of new cultures and gastronomic pairings.


Sommelier Diploma, ASPI (Italian Sommelier Association)

Candidate Master of Beer , Institute of Masters of Beer

Master Cigar Sommelier Diploma, International Association of Cigar Sommeliers

Junior Diploma, Habanos Academy


Bacco e Tabacco. L’arte di abbinare i sigari, availabe on Gusto Tabacco


Email: m.pastorelli@outlook.com

Phone: +39 320 2966321

Or if you prefer contact me on social networks, click on the icons below!

Mirko Pastorelli Wheelchair Sommelier